When I born my father bring at home a little cat named Tofu. Tofu was my best pet friend, it had a black hair and it was so friendly. Actually I yet remember the lot of memories with him. Desafortunatelly it died three years ago, it was sick and old, I did cry so much. Also we had a dog named Patrac, sometimes I hated him but in the bad moments it was a good and friendly dog. I gave I loved a lot him when it died. Now we have five cats! And they are a part of me. I love a lot animals, becouse I hate the people who hit they.
sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015
Your say 5
Animals of my life
When I born my father bring at home a little cat named Tofu. Tofu was my best pet friend, it had a black hair and it was so friendly. Actually I yet remember the lot of memories with him. Desafortunatelly it died three years ago, it was sick and old, I did cry so much. Also we had a dog named Patrac, sometimes I hated him but in the bad moments it was a good and friendly dog. I gave I loved a lot him when it died. Now we have five cats! And they are a part of me. I love a lot animals, becouse I hate the people who hit they.
When I born my father bring at home a little cat named Tofu. Tofu was my best pet friend, it had a black hair and it was so friendly. Actually I yet remember the lot of memories with him. Desafortunatelly it died three years ago, it was sick and old, I did cry so much. Also we had a dog named Patrac, sometimes I hated him but in the bad moments it was a good and friendly dog. I gave I loved a lot him when it died. Now we have five cats! And they are a part of me. I love a lot animals, becouse I hate the people who hit they.
Your say 4
My moto
Two years ago, me and three friends decided to get the driving motorcicle. I was when I had fiveteen years. I start to study for the driving motorcicle at the end of school. I studied during one month and finally I go to the teoric exam and the practic exam. I aproved them at the first time. Before I searched in a lot of web sites for purchease a moto, and finally I found a man in Fortià who sell me the moto.
The people says: what is cheap ends being expensive. And this is true, the moto crashed a lot of times, I repared and change a pieces of the moto a few times and it is so expensive. At the moment it's well but sometimes it makes me angry because crass but for another part it goes good and I used it to go a lote of sites.
Two years ago, me and three friends decided to get the driving motorcicle. I was when I had fiveteen years. I start to study for the driving motorcicle at the end of school. I studied during one month and finally I go to the teoric exam and the practic exam. I aproved them at the first time. Before I searched in a lot of web sites for purchease a moto, and finally I found a man in Fortià who sell me the moto.
The people says: what is cheap ends being expensive. And this is true, the moto crashed a lot of times, I repared and change a pieces of the moto a few times and it is so expensive. At the moment it's well but sometimes it makes me angry because crass but for another part it goes good and I used it to go a lote of sites.
Your say 3
My favourite football player
I like a lot of football players like Messi, Cristiano, etc. But my favourite football player is Eden Hazard of Chelsea. I found this player one day when I was looking Barça vs Chelsea. I saw him and his skills. After I decide to search him in Youtube to look his best goals and skills. It was incredible, i flip with him, he was a machine of goals.
Eden Hazard it's a Belgian player who passed for a lot of teams to reach in Chelsea and one of the best players of the worls. His natural position on the field is middle left (LM), like me when I was playing football.
For me he was an inspiration, in the training and the matches I try to play like him, dribling and making goals, but that was impossible to match.
Finally I put down a picture of him!
I like a lot of football players like Messi, Cristiano, etc. But my favourite football player is Eden Hazard of Chelsea. I found this player one day when I was looking Barça vs Chelsea. I saw him and his skills. After I decide to search him in Youtube to look his best goals and skills. It was incredible, i flip with him, he was a machine of goals.
Eden Hazard it's a Belgian player who passed for a lot of teams to reach in Chelsea and one of the best players of the worls. His natural position on the field is middle left (LM), like me when I was playing football.
For me he was an inspiration, in the training and the matches I try to play like him, dribling and making goals, but that was impossible to match.
Finally I put down a picture of him!
miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015
Your Say 2
Two sports to enjoy!
Hello everybody! Today I bring to you a new Your say. I'll show you my favourite sports to practise and enjoy.
First of all my favourite sport and for me the best of the world, the football. Football consists to score more goals what the rival. I play during four years football in two teams. First I played in Esplais one year, and we make a bad season. Later I went to play in Peralada CF where I played during three years. Finally I decided to stop to play because I was so sad for the trainer who don't let me play suficient minutes. Now I don't play football in any team but also I play when I can with my friends, and I enjoy so much.
Second I loke to play basketball but doesn't much. Sometimes I play basket when all of my friends prefer to play that. It consist to introduce a ball in the basket of the rival team. Big part of my friends were playing with a basketball teams.
That's all, I hope do you enjoy that!
martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015
News 3
Luis Suárez leads Barcelona to Clásico win
Last Saturday all the world was watching the match of Barça vs Real Madrid, the Clásico.
In the match Luis Suárez scored twice, Neymar score one goal and Andrés Iniesta another.
Barça played big part of the match without Messi, who in the 56th minute starts to play the match.
In the Barclays Premier League, Jamie Verdy put the Leicester on the top of the standings, at the same time breacking record for score goals in a lot of consecutive games.
For another part in Bundesliga, Thomas Müller score in injury time for Bayern Munich, they won the match 3-1 at Schalke 04.
In match of PSG was emotional because they made a minute of silence for remembrance the victims of the November 13th Paris attacks.
In the Serie A Roma plays versus Bologna, they finish the match 2-2.
And finally in the Greek league match between Panathinaikos and Olimpiakos was postponed after the violence of the fans.
Clash: enfrentament.
Blame: culpar.
Score: anotar, marcar.
Last Saturday all the world was watching the match of Barça vs Real Madrid, the Clásico.
In the match Luis Suárez scored twice, Neymar score one goal and Andrés Iniesta another.
Barça played big part of the match without Messi, who in the 56th minute starts to play the match.
In the Barclays Premier League, Jamie Verdy put the Leicester on the top of the standings, at the same time breacking record for score goals in a lot of consecutive games.
For another part in Bundesliga, Thomas Müller score in injury time for Bayern Munich, they won the match 3-1 at Schalke 04.
In match of PSG was emotional because they made a minute of silence for remembrance the victims of the November 13th Paris attacks.
In the Serie A Roma plays versus Bologna, they finish the match 2-2.
And finally in the Greek league match between Panathinaikos and Olimpiakos was postponed after the violence of the fans.
Clash: enfrentament.
Blame: culpar.
Score: anotar, marcar.
lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015
Your say
Today I gonna explain to you a big prblem of the actuallity: the bullying. A lot of people of the world recieve it. What is it?
Bullying is unwanted, agressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real percived power imbalance. Who makes bullying? The bully.
When happens? In happens at school or in another site. When the bully insult, annoy, exclude and hit the victim, this catch fear and start to lost his friends because they aren't a real friends or because they don't want problems. We need to stop bullying because it makes children decide to suicide and that's unforgiveable.
Today I gonna explain to you a big prblem of the actuallity: the bullying. A lot of people of the world recieve it. What is it?
Bullying is unwanted, agressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real percived power imbalance. Who makes bullying? The bully.
When happens? In happens at school or in another site. When the bully insult, annoy, exclude and hit the victim, this catch fear and start to lost his friends because they aren't a real friends or because they don't want problems. We need to stop bullying because it makes children decide to suicide and that's unforgiveable.
The history of the three pigs
Once upon a time in a remote place from Paris, three pigs lived in the same house. They were poor and had a little bit of money.
One day one of them went to buy food for dinner. When he arrived to the market met the wolf. The wolf pushed the pig with a blowing and the pig fell down and started to cry.
He lost the money and he didn't know what to do to buy the food for the other two pigs. Then he went outside and started to run because it was raining, but during the way he slipped and fell down one more time.
In this moment he was poor, wet and sat pig, because he didn't have any food to feed teh other pigs. It was 11pm and he didn't know what to do, because he needed some food if he didn't what that the pigs would die.
He stand up again and started to run again. When he returned home, he met a misterious man. He said to the pig: "If you guess this answer you gonna recieve all my money".
The answer was: "How many times does a person need to give up?" The pig contest: "People never give up!"
And the misterious man gave him all the money. Now he was rich and could live with his pig brothers and have a good life.
"Never give up, because maybe the luck goes with you and help you to accompline all your objectives".
Once upon a time in a remote place from Paris, three pigs lived in the same house. They were poor and had a little bit of money.
One day one of them went to buy food for dinner. When he arrived to the market met the wolf. The wolf pushed the pig with a blowing and the pig fell down and started to cry.
He lost the money and he didn't know what to do to buy the food for the other two pigs. Then he went outside and started to run because it was raining, but during the way he slipped and fell down one more time.
In this moment he was poor, wet and sat pig, because he didn't have any food to feed teh other pigs. It was 11pm and he didn't know what to do, because he needed some food if he didn't what that the pigs would die.
He stand up again and started to run again. When he returned home, he met a misterious man. He said to the pig: "If you guess this answer you gonna recieve all my money".
The answer was: "How many times does a person need to give up?" The pig contest: "People never give up!"
And the misterious man gave him all the money. Now he was rich and could live with his pig brothers and have a good life.
"Never give up, because maybe the luck goes with you and help you to accompline all your objectives".
lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015
News 2
The snow leopard is one of the most beautiful and enicmatic big cats. It lives in the mountain but the warmer temperatures threatening to reduce his habitat. And starts to extint this beautiful species.
This problem starts whith the clima change, it make climb the temperatures. The trees of this habitat are not able to survive in warmer temperatures.
The habitat of the snow leopard is situated in the eastern Himalayas. Another think it makes extint this animal is the ilegal hunting for sell the skin and the parts of body.
Actually there are some 4000 to 6000 snow leopards in the world. They are solitary creatures, they usually hunt and dusk. His skin changes depending the stations for camuflate and keep warm.
I think this animal is so beautiful and I hate this species are extint for the human factors and the clima change.
-Endangered: en extinció.
-Threatened: sentir-se amenaçat.
-Unsustainable: insostenible.
domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015
Rebel song
Headhunterz & Crystal Lake – Live Your Life Lyrics
Don’t you worry it gets better
I know its blurry but in due time
Salty waters turn to laughter
Confidence starts in your mind
Break all the borders
Cross troubled waters
Live in the moment
Love like you own it
Live your life
Live your life
Live your life
Live your life
Live your life
Break all the borders
Cross troubled waters
Live in the moment
Love like you own it
Live your life
Live your life
Live your life
Live your life
Live your life
Don’t you worry it gets better
I know its blurry but in due time
Salty waters turn to laughter
Confidence starts in your mind
Break all the borders
Cross troubled waters
Live in the moment
Love like you own it
Live your life
Live your life
Live your life
Live your life
Live your life
Break all the borders
Cross troubled waters
Live in the moment
Love like you own it
Live your life
Live your life
Live your life
Live your life
Live your life
lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015
Apple apps hit by malware attack
At the over of last weekend Apple App Store was infected with XcodeGhost malware in China. People think that's was the first big attack to Apple. The hackers made a false Apple software which introduce a virus who install.
The hackers stealed data of the people what dowland the fake apps. They could also read and alter information in compromised devices, which they can took the password of the users.
Apple make all possible to finish with this problems. Normaly Apple is considerated a secure software, only a few malwares can hack that for the moment.
I think what hack apps and softwares it's bad because you don't want to be steal for a few hackers and lost your money, emails, social webs...
Also I think Apple and other softwares need to make more security for his consumers.
-Malware: sistema operatiu el qual ha estat modificat amb finalitats ilegals.
-Software: sistema operatiu.
-Data: dades personals.
At the over of last weekend Apple App Store was infected with XcodeGhost malware in China. People think that's was the first big attack to Apple. The hackers made a false Apple software which introduce a virus who install.
The hackers stealed data of the people what dowland the fake apps. They could also read and alter information in compromised devices, which they can took the password of the users.
Apple make all possible to finish with this problems. Normaly Apple is considerated a secure software, only a few malwares can hack that for the moment.
I think what hack apps and softwares it's bad because you don't want to be steal for a few hackers and lost your money, emails, social webs...
Also I think Apple and other softwares need to make more security for his consumers.
-Malware: sistema operatiu el qual ha estat modificat amb finalitats ilegals.
-Software: sistema operatiu.
-Data: dades personals.
viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015
Who I am and Why I'm doing Batxillerat
Dear teacher,
Hello, my name is Guillem Segura and I am sixteen years old. I'm just doing 1st batxillerat in Ins Castelló d'Empúries. First I want to explain you a couple of things about me. I'm a person who likes sports, stay with friends, go to parties, visit sites, etc. Last year I was playing football in CF Perelada I played in this team for 4 years but one day I decided to stop because my trainer was bad to me.
Hello, my name is Guillem Segura and I am sixteen years old. I'm just doing 1st batxillerat in Ins Castelló d'Empúries. First I want to explain you a couple of things about me. I'm a person who likes sports, stay with friends, go to parties, visit sites, etc. Last year I was playing football in CF Perelada I played in this team for 4 years but one day I decided to stop because my trainer was bad to me.
In my
free time I like to stay with my friends doing anything because with
them I laugh all the time. Also last year in 4th ESO we went to Italia. That was so cool and I enjoyed it so much. In the future I
would like to visit a lot of countries, for example: NY, Brasil,
This year has been so cool, exactly this summer.
summer I did a lot of things with friends like going to the beach, going to
parties, play sports, going out and more.
And now
about me, I'm a nice and kind person who likes to make people laugh around me but I'm so lazy.
I will tell you why I'm doing Batxillerat. I thing if you study you secure a good future and the job that you
martes, 2 de junio de 2015
A good song
(feat. Drake & Kanye West)
Look, I feel blessed
Way up I feel blessed, way up I feel blessed
Straight up
[Verse 1 - Big Sean:]
I live the life I deserve, bless
Fuck a vacay I feel better at work
I mean whatever it's worth
I give whatever I'm worth
For my niggas who gonna go to Hell and back for me
I'mma give em Heaven on Earth for a hell of a check
Yeah whichever come first
Blessings on blessings on blessings
Look at my life man thats lessons on lessons on lessons
I treat the beat like its a reverend
I tell the truth like father forgive me these are all my confessions
Man this wasn't luck it was destined
I done lost homies who been with me since Ed, Edd, and Eddy
Who flip like confetti and then when you back they back to call you dog
That shit get get petty, bitch don't give no dap to me nigga
Funny thing about talkin' behind my back
Is that it just keep comin' back to me nigga
Was all for a sec now its back to me nigga
You mad at me, this ain't what I want man this what it had to be
This is that late night workin' after three
Man this why my old girl was mad at me
This why I'm your majesty
Man, the clique is the tightest, the pussy's the tightest
The drinks are the coldest, the future the brightest
The feat not divided, the love is divided
And I just got it, thank God that we got it, blessed
I don't know what I would do without it
Crew look like we robbed a bank, but all we make is deposits
Your profit we profit, oh God
[Hook - Drake:]
I'm here for a good time not a long time, you know I
I haven't had a good time in a long time, you know I
I'm way up I feel blessed, way up I feel blessed
I'm way up I feel blessed, way up I feel blessed
[Verse 2 - Drake:]
Look, I ain't gonna say that we back or nothin'
Cuz that implies that we're back from somethin'
If we're back from somethin' its some checks you owe us
I expect that payment, nothin' less or over
I dont need them favors that you ask me for
I could give two fucks bout' where the Grammy's go
I just gave out Grammy's on my Instagram
Them OVO boys the business man
It is what it is, trust me you get what you give
You gotta come to my side and see how we live
I cannot see Heaven bein' much better than this
Blessings on blessings from me and my niggas from the Six
Look at what we did
Be quiet I'm doin' a toast
For niggas that don't really do shit I swear y'all be doin' the most
Stop worryin' about whoever's next
I am just worried about my mama worryin' less
I think I'm famous enough, I don't need anymore press
I am convinced I'm the only one left thats still doin' this shit man
[Hook - Drake]
[Verse 3 - Big Sean:]
My grandma just died I'm the man of the house
So every mornin' I'm up cause I can't let them down
Always down for the cause, never down for the count
I guess when your stars align you do like the solar system and plan it out
So I'm goin' overtime on the overtime
Yeah I'm not invested but you can't attest it
Million dollar goals, man its to manifest it
The family never goin' anorexic
I pay my mortgage and electric
Never goin' under even with anesthetics
At the top of the rap game and progressin'
Check after check, checkin' off my check list
Try and blow my cake just know thats a death wish
No mistakes in life ever, it’s only lessons
Shit feel like Shaq and Penny got back together
You tore the game apart who put it back together
[Hook - Drake]
[Verse 4 - Kanye West:]
Since the truth keep niggas traumatized
They tryna compromise my condom size
So I snapchat that whole shit
Tryin' see titties, tryna show dick
And I swear to God I hope they post it, I'm blessed
Even though I get slammed with lawsuits like car doors
See 3 POs like Star Wars
They want me by the road holdin' up cardboard
So I go extra hard on the hard floor
Right now callin' you from my home gym
Right after that, nigga I'm gon' swim
Just did a couple laps in my home pool
And my daughter right there gettin' homeschooled
I'm blessed, and I was thinkin' 'bout startin' up my own school
A montessori, and the hallway lookin' like a monastery
Oh yes I'm way up, I feel blessed
Look, I feel blessed
Way up I feel blessed, way up I feel blessed
Straight up
[Verse 1 - Big Sean:]
I live the life I deserve, bless
Fuck a vacay I feel better at work
I mean whatever it's worth
I give whatever I'm worth
For my niggas who gonna go to Hell and back for me
I'mma give em Heaven on Earth for a hell of a check
Yeah whichever come first
Blessings on blessings on blessings
Look at my life man thats lessons on lessons on lessons
I treat the beat like its a reverend
I tell the truth like father forgive me these are all my confessions
Man this wasn't luck it was destined
I done lost homies who been with me since Ed, Edd, and Eddy
Who flip like confetti and then when you back they back to call you dog
That shit get get petty, bitch don't give no dap to me nigga
Funny thing about talkin' behind my back
Is that it just keep comin' back to me nigga
Was all for a sec now its back to me nigga
You mad at me, this ain't what I want man this what it had to be
This is that late night workin' after three
Man this why my old girl was mad at me
This why I'm your majesty
Man, the clique is the tightest, the pussy's the tightest
The drinks are the coldest, the future the brightest
The feat not divided, the love is divided
And I just got it, thank God that we got it, blessed
I don't know what I would do without it
Crew look like we robbed a bank, but all we make is deposits
Your profit we profit, oh God
[Hook - Drake:]
I'm here for a good time not a long time, you know I
I haven't had a good time in a long time, you know I
I'm way up I feel blessed, way up I feel blessed
I'm way up I feel blessed, way up I feel blessed
[Verse 2 - Drake:]
Look, I ain't gonna say that we back or nothin'
Cuz that implies that we're back from somethin'
If we're back from somethin' its some checks you owe us
I expect that payment, nothin' less or over
I dont need them favors that you ask me for
I could give two fucks bout' where the Grammy's go
I just gave out Grammy's on my Instagram
Them OVO boys the business man
It is what it is, trust me you get what you give
You gotta come to my side and see how we live
I cannot see Heaven bein' much better than this
Blessings on blessings from me and my niggas from the Six
Look at what we did
Be quiet I'm doin' a toast
For niggas that don't really do shit I swear y'all be doin' the most
Stop worryin' about whoever's next
I am just worried about my mama worryin' less
I think I'm famous enough, I don't need anymore press
I am convinced I'm the only one left thats still doin' this shit man
[Hook - Drake]
[Verse 3 - Big Sean:]
My grandma just died I'm the man of the house
So every mornin' I'm up cause I can't let them down
Always down for the cause, never down for the count
I guess when your stars align you do like the solar system and plan it out
So I'm goin' overtime on the overtime
Yeah I'm not invested but you can't attest it
Million dollar goals, man its to manifest it
The family never goin' anorexic
I pay my mortgage and electric
Never goin' under even with anesthetics
At the top of the rap game and progressin'
Check after check, checkin' off my check list
Try and blow my cake just know thats a death wish
No mistakes in life ever, it’s only lessons
Shit feel like Shaq and Penny got back together
You tore the game apart who put it back together
[Hook - Drake]
[Verse 4 - Kanye West:]
Since the truth keep niggas traumatized
They tryna compromise my condom size
So I snapchat that whole shit
Tryin' see titties, tryna show dick
And I swear to God I hope they post it, I'm blessed
Even though I get slammed with lawsuits like car doors
See 3 POs like Star Wars
They want me by the road holdin' up cardboard
So I go extra hard on the hard floor
Right now callin' you from my home gym
Right after that, nigga I'm gon' swim
Just did a couple laps in my home pool
And my daughter right there gettin' homeschooled
I'm blessed, and I was thinkin' 'bout startin' up my own school
A montessori, and the hallway lookin' like a monastery
Oh yes I'm way up, I feel blessed
jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015
My favourite film
When I was little, a friend of my father gives him a film of Spiderman. I was so happy to watch it. After I watch this film every day!! Monday, Tuesday....
I liked it so much, so my parents decided to give me a costume of Spiderman, mascs, a spray that seemed cobwebs. There went out to all weared of spiderman.
Because this is my favourite film.
My favourite DJ's
1. Martin Garrix

2. Oliver Heldens

3. Hardwell

2. Oliver Heldens
3. Hardwell

5. David Guetta

I like more but they are the five I most like it.
martes, 19 de mayo de 2015
Lyrics vocabulary
Bleed: sagnar
Chain: cadena
Else: més
Glow: brillar
String: cadena
Veins: venes
Reach: arribar
Fading: esvaniment
Blast off: enlairar
Tears: llàgrimes
Pouring: torrencial
Flow: fluir
Chain: cadena
Else: més
Glow: brillar
String: cadena
Veins: venes
Reach: arribar
Fading: esvaniment
Blast off: enlairar
Tears: llàgrimes
Pouring: torrencial
Flow: fluir
martes, 5 de mayo de 2015
jueves, 23 de abril de 2015
Fantastic photos
I can wait patiently.
I don't speak english very well.
I usually take photos quickly.
I can't stay one day taking bad photos.
I want to take slowly photos.
I have to do it happily.
1- The third photo because shows you the feelings have the basketball player.
2- Yes, I take a few photos but not any more.
3- Of people and nature because shows the society and the senses.
4- I include sport photos, animals, cook and other.
I don't speak english very well.
I usually take photos quickly.
I can't stay one day taking bad photos.
I want to take slowly photos.
I have to do it happily.
1- The third photo because shows you the feelings have the basketball player.
2- Yes, I take a few photos but not any more.
3- Of people and nature because shows the society and the senses.
4- I include sport photos, animals, cook and other.
jueves, 16 de abril de 2015
The rabbit family
The rabbit family was having tea on a beautiful saturday morning.
The rabbits rode a bike on the road.
The three rabbits were dancing in the fields.
After dancing the three rabbits went to pick apples.
The rabbit was smelling and looking at the white flowers.
Then a cow appeared and started to speak with the rabbit.
In the afternoon the rabbit was waiting for the sunset.
A magical biterfly-rabbit appeared to ful fill three wishes.
The rabbit asked for bubbles.
It also asked for a rope and started to skip.
And finally the rabbit tried to touch the moon.
At night the rabbit's mother was bathing rabbits children.
The mouse's helped to cook a cake with the rabbit.
Finally the rabbits started to listen to music in a room for relax.
The rabbits rode a bike on the road.
The three rabbits were dancing in the fields.
After dancing the three rabbits went to pick apples.
The rabbit was smelling and looking at the white flowers.
Then a cow appeared and started to speak with the rabbit.
In the afternoon the rabbit was waiting for the sunset.
A magical biterfly-rabbit appeared to ful fill three wishes.
The rabbit asked for bubbles.
It also asked for a rope and started to skip.
And finally the rabbit tried to touch the moon.
At night the rabbit's mother was bathing rabbits children.
The mouse's helped to cook a cake with the rabbit.
Finally the rabbits started to listen to music in a room for relax.
martes, 14 de abril de 2015
Interview to a 'guiri'
1. Where are you from? Argentina.
2. Do you like Spanish food? Yes, it's so good.
3. Why have you came to Spain? Because I have holidays.
4. Do you like take photos? Yes, why not?
5. Do you like photografy? Yes.
6. How many lenguajes do you speak? Spanish, english and french.
7. Do you like taking photos? Yes.
8. What have you been doing here? I take a few days of holydays.
9. Do you like Barcelona? Yes, it's nice and beautiful.
10. Do you think it's a nice place? Of course.
11. Are you on holidays or are you living here? Holidays.
12. What do you like most in Barcelona? Because have a lot of tourism and have a good lunch.
13. It's there anything you don't like? No.
14. Have you bought any presents? No for the moment.
15. Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish? Yes! A lot.
16. Do you think Barcelona is expensive? If you like spend money yes.
17. Are you travelling with family or friends? With family.
18. Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan food? Yes, the paella.
19. Which place did you like more? Sagrada Familia.
20. Would you recommend Barcelona to your family or friends? The tourism places.
2. Do you like Spanish food? Yes, it's so good.
3. Why have you came to Spain? Because I have holidays.
4. Do you like take photos? Yes, why not?
5. Do you like photografy? Yes.
6. How many lenguajes do you speak? Spanish, english and french.
7. Do you like taking photos? Yes.
8. What have you been doing here? I take a few days of holydays.
9. Do you like Barcelona? Yes, it's nice and beautiful.
10. Do you think it's a nice place? Of course.
11. Are you on holidays or are you living here? Holidays.
12. What do you like most in Barcelona? Because have a lot of tourism and have a good lunch.
13. It's there anything you don't like? No.
14. Have you bought any presents? No for the moment.
15. Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish? Yes! A lot.
16. Do you think Barcelona is expensive? If you like spend money yes.
17. Are you travelling with family or friends? With family.
18. Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan food? Yes, the paella.
19. Which place did you like more? Sagrada Familia.
20. Would you recommend Barcelona to your family or friends? The tourism places.
lunes, 13 de abril de 2015
Award- wining photo
martes, 7 de abril de 2015
During last holydays I do a lot of things.
The first day I took advantage for sleep because I return from Italia. Next day, at the morning I go to work with my father and at the afternoon I go to play football with my friends.
At wednesday arroves my friend Pol from Barcelona and I past all the weekend with him. At the mornings we play at PS4 FIFA 15 and at the afternoons we went to play football or walk for Castelló. That night we went to the cinema to watch Fast&Furious7 that was so funny.
Finally at Saturday I had dinner with my friends at JR. And yesterday I went another time to the cinema to watch Insurgent.
This holydays have been so cool and relaxing for return at the routine with more energy!
The first day I took advantage for sleep because I return from Italia. Next day, at the morning I go to work with my father and at the afternoon I go to play football with my friends.
At wednesday arroves my friend Pol from Barcelona and I past all the weekend with him. At the mornings we play at PS4 FIFA 15 and at the afternoons we went to play football or walk for Castelló. That night we went to the cinema to watch Fast&Furious7 that was so funny.
Finally at Saturday I had dinner with my friends at JR. And yesterday I went another time to the cinema to watch Insurgent.
This holydays have been so cool and relaxing for return at the routine with more energy!
martes, 17 de marzo de 2015
Describing a picture
In this picture we can see a little boy with his dog. They are in the beach looking the sea. The boy is signaling the horitzon and the dog is looking with him. On the right we can see a bucket with sand. And finally on the background we can see the immense ocean. I think the dog is the best friend can have a man, this is a great example.
IN this picture we can see a paisage where appears a mill on the background, at the middle of a field. The sky is nice and it's clear, the sun shine. In the foreground there is a field of wheat and at the middle there are three roads for arrive at the mill. And finally at the background, far, there are a lot of trees.
jueves, 29 de enero de 2015
My favourite motorbike
My favourite motor bike is Yamaha Aerox because is so fast and useful. I buy my moto last summer and I use it everyday. With them I go to the beach, football trainings and a lot of sites.
It will at 90 km/h at most. The problem is it now when i go so fast it stops working.
It will at 90 km/h at most. The problem is it now when i go so fast it stops working.
jueves, 8 de enero de 2015
Romeo is a boy who lives whit his family. His family is de enemy for the family of Juliet. He is young and is 16 years old. He is so beautiful and all the girls want him. His father is priest for the church and is so religious. One day when Romeo went to a party of Capuleto family with his friends he know Juliet and instantly he falls in love. During the night he stay with Juliet and finally they had to say goodbye. Romeo is sensitive and intelligent but he only things in Juliet. Romeo is very inmadure because he risk life of his friend for make a fool all the time and finally his best friend (the black boy) dies. He is vengative because he go to kill the Copuleto who kill his friend.
Juliet is a young and beautiful girl. She has a nice eyes and a brown hair. She when Romeo go to his party home falls in love. All the time she hates his father because he flight she marry with her son, a ugly boy. She is so kind because sacrifice her life for Romeo and finally die with him. Juliet is a nice girl and she knows Romeo is the boy of her life. When she looks Romeo die she broken her hearth and decide to suicide.
Romeo is a boy who lives whit his family. His family is de enemy for the family of Juliet. He is young and is 16 years old. He is so beautiful and all the girls want him. His father is priest for the church and is so religious. One day when Romeo went to a party of Capuleto family with his friends he know Juliet and instantly he falls in love. During the night he stay with Juliet and finally they had to say goodbye. Romeo is sensitive and intelligent but he only things in Juliet. Romeo is very inmadure because he risk life of his friend for make a fool all the time and finally his best friend (the black boy) dies. He is vengative because he go to kill the Copuleto who kill his friend.
Juliet is a young and beautiful girl. She has a nice eyes and a brown hair. She when Romeo go to his party home falls in love. All the time she hates his father because he flight she marry with her son, a ugly boy. She is so kind because sacrifice her life for Romeo and finally die with him. Juliet is a nice girl and she knows Romeo is the boy of her life. When she looks Romeo die she broken her hearth and decide to suicide.
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