sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015

Your say 4

My moto

Two years ago, me and three friends decided to get the driving motorcicle. I was when I had fiveteen years. I start to study for the driving motorcicle at the end of school. I studied during one month and finally I go to the teoric exam and the practic exam. I aproved them at the first time. Before I searched in a lot of web sites for purchease a moto, and finally I found a man in Fortià who sell me the moto.
The people says: what is cheap ends being expensive. And this is true, the moto crashed a lot of times, I repared and change a pieces of the moto a few times and it is so expensive. At the moment it's well but sometimes it makes me angry because crass but for another part it goes good and I used it to go a lote of sites.

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