There are a lot of friends who already know what they want to do in the future.They know their goals. What do I want to do with my life? For me that's a very difficult question.
There are a lot of grades and chances but I already don't know my goals. If you ask me what my short-term goals are, the only answer I can give you is that I want to finish Batxillerat with good marks. After this I will think about my future seriously. For the moment I will live the present.
I know that in our lives we have a lot of challenges, I'm not the best to advise how to overcome them but for me the best way is to work a little bit everyday and believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself you will fail. Another important thing is trust in your family and friends because they will support you on everything.
One sentence I'd like of the speech of Obama is: "No one's written your destiny for you". This means that you have to work becouse nobody will fix up your life without effort.