First of all she explains that she is fascinated with the body lenguage. She says that there are two types of non verbal expressions: the expression of power and the expression of domine. Humans and animals are about a expanding that makes you big when you takes space, it's about opening up. There are two types of people, the people who wants to ocupy space, be the attention, etc. The other type of people are virtually collapsing, what makes themselves tiny.
Amy Cuddy took people to do an experiment where they had to do two types of poses: High-Power pose and Low-Power pose during two minutes. Depending on the position what they took, his body changes they testosterone, risk tolerance, cristol, etc. After this, she questioned herself if can power posing for a few minutes really change your life in meaningful ways.
Finishing the conference Amy Cuddy explains that she suffered a severe head injury in a car accident and professors said then she can't finish her undergraduate degree. But she proved them wrong becouse nowadays she is a professor at Harvard Business School.
In my opinion Amy Cuddy is an exemple op superation becouse after the injury on the car, after nobody trust her to get the undergraduate degree, she complied her dream to be a social psychologist. Besides she became a professor of one of the most important universities of the world.

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