Last year Claudio Raniare took Leicester City. They made history, for first time this team wo the Premier Leage trophy. All players were rejected of other clubs and thanks their good manager, Claudio Ranieri, they improve a lot and won one of the most difficult trophies of the world, the Premier League.
Now, this season, things have not gone so well, and the team had lose a lot of matches. And Leicester City took the decision to sack Claudio Ranieri. his decidion has caused a lot of controversy because the fans are so thankful with this man, he took Leicester City, a club that had no one trophy and won the Premier League. That's why the fans and the players of the club aren't agree with this decision.
Finally, Claudio Ranieri wrote a text in Twitter where explains that he accepts this decision and thank all the support. Also he said that was very happy to know that he made history winning this big trophy. He made his dream come true.
Personal opinion:
In my opinion, Claudio Ranieri should stay in this club, because thanks him, Leicester City made history. People say that football life is cruel because one day you are on the top and the next day you were sack. I think that the club shoul give another opportunity to Claudio Ranieri.
Odds: possibilitats.
Dare: atreviment.
Hugely: enormement.
Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korea's leader, was given a very high amount of the toxic nerve agent VX and he died in pain within 15-20 minutes. There's no antidote for this poison.
He was attacked two weeks ago at Kuala Lumpur International Airport of by two woman.
VX is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations. A drop on the skin can kill in minutes. One of the killers told to Indonesian embassy officials that she was given 400 Malaysian ringgit to smear Kim Jong-nam's face with "baby oil" as part of a reality show joke. He accepts because he thought that it was a prank but finally this prank finished with Kim Jong-nam's life.
Malaysian police say the attackers had been trained to wash their hands immediately after the attack.
Personal opinion:
I think that this attack was ordered by Kim Jong-un, the North Korea's leader and the brother of Kim Jong-nam. The murdered was against the thoughts of his brother and decided to exile of North Korea. In conclusion he was killed for this reason, and the attempt, I think that was guided by his brother Kim Jong-un.
Regime: régim.
Mass destruction: destrucció massiva.
Smear: tacar.
Once every year people dresses of different things, for example animals, cowboys, policemen, nurses, etc. It happens when is Carnival, between February and March. It's so cool because everybody get out to the streets and dance and have fun.
This year, my friends and I decided to dress up as koala. This costume is so soft and warm. We don't go with a group of people that have float, we go by our account. The problem of that is that you can't eat and drink when you want.
Also this past weekend we went to Roses where we met a lot of people and friends. We had a great time.
But all good things have a bad side. In Carnival people use to drink a lot of alcohol and take drugs because they think that makes you feel better and funny. I think that you can drink if you control, but don't take drugs because are bad for your health. When people drinks a lot, they lose their mind and do things that they never would do if they had not drunk alcohol.
There's a sentence in catalan that says "per Carnaval tot s'hi val" and I think that in Carnaval you can have fun with your friends and people but you have to control what you do. If you do this you will enjoy a lot this party time.