domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017

Kim Jong-nam: VX dose was 'high and lethal'

Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korea's leader, was given a very high amount of the toxic nerve agent VX and he died in pain within 15-20 minutes. There's no antidote for this poison.
He was attacked two weeks ago at Kuala Lumpur International Airport of by two woman.

Kim Jong-namVX is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations. A drop on the skin can kill in minutes. One of the killers told to Indonesian embassy officials that she was given 400 Malaysian ringgit to smear Kim Jong-nam's face with "baby oil" as part of a reality show joke. He accepts because he thought that it was a prank but finally this prank finished with Kim Jong-nam's life.

Malaysian police say the attackers had been trained to wash their hands immediately after the attack.

Personal opinion:

I think that this attack was ordered by Kim Jong-un, the North Korea's leader and the brother of Kim Jong-nam. The murdered was against the thoughts of his brother and decided to exile of North Korea. In conclusion he was killed for this reason, and the attempt, I think that was guided by his brother Kim Jong-un.


Regime: régim.
Mass destruction: destrucció massiva.
Smear: tacar.

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