sábado, 13 de mayo de 2017

Attacks on Gay Men in Chechnya


This is a video of Q&A that speaks of the Gay men of Chechnya, a region of Russia. The problem is that the police of there are searching people that seems gay or that they believe that are gay, after they beat and humiliate them. HRW’s Russia expert Tanya Lokshina is investigating abuses there.

Here, in Spain, Gay people, I think that are more acceptated than other countries but there's always cases of abuse and humiliation on gay people. They have the right of be what they want to be, there's nobody that have to treat them like "aliens", they are normal, they don't have any problem, the people who humiliate them are who have a big problem.

I think that in a near future this will change and people will have the sexual orientation that they want without people humiliating and abusing of them.

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