lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015


Apple apps hit by malware attack

At the over of last weekend Apple App Store was infected with XcodeGhost malware in China. People think that's was the first big attack to Apple. The hackers made a false Apple software which introduce a virus who install.
The hackers stealed data of the people what dowland the fake apps. They could also read and alter information in compromised devices, which they can took the password of the users.
Apple make all possible to finish with this problems. Normaly Apple is considerated a secure software, only a few malwares can hack that for the moment.

I think what hack apps and softwares it's bad because you don't want to be steal for a few hackers and lost your money, emails, social webs...
Also I think Apple and other softwares need to make more security for his consumers.

-Malware: sistema operatiu el qual ha estat modificat amb finalitats ilegals.
-Software: sistema operatiu.
-Data: dades personals.

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