sábado, 13 de mayo de 2017

Ebola: WHO declares outbreak in DR Congo

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared an Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
At the moment one person has died after contracting the virus. The last time that this virus appeared (2014-2015), it killed more than 11.000 people in West Africa. Also the last outbreak of Ebola in Democratic Republic of Congo killed more than 40 people.
There are nine suspects that have contracted the virus, and three of them have died.
People began to get sick on or after 22 April in Bas-Uele. But at the moment we don't have to be scary or worried because for the first time, health officials have another weapon they can use. The world has an experimental vaccine that could be deployed if needed.

Personal opinion:

Nowadays we have a very good tecnology and medicine. Scientifics are everyday working hard to found a cure of all injuries. I know that Ebola is so dangerous but like the news says, there's an experimental vaccine that could be deployed if needed.


Outbreak: brot.
Vaccine: vacuna.
Deploy: desplegar.


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